Thus project M.I.T.T.S was born. Partly because I was struggling so much to get interested in leveling my shaman/druid or paladin I wanted to try something new. I was sure I didn't want anything with a healing tree or a caster dps and rogues are skanky so that left deathknights or warriors. Currently you can't move in Dalaran without falling over a deathknight and I hate the dirty ashtray look of their aoe so that left warrior.
Now I know Night elves are the best alliance choice especially for tanking since the last racial reshuffle, followed by dwarves but when I closed my eyes and invisioned my little warrior, it wasnt a tall nelf or chunky little dwarf I saw, but a purple skinned, tail wielding alien creature. The plan is to level as prot, primarily to minimise downtime and so I can make fools of any melee dps wishing to pick a fight.
On a side note, the name has more to do with my inability to hang on to two mittens without a piece of string being attached than any exciting acronym.
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